Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pixton Comic Generator

Of the many things I have found trolling on Twitter, this has to be my favorite. is a fantastic comic generator that has so many applications for classroom use. It has a lite version that is free, and a full version which is very reasonably priced. Here is part of one that I made for my students when we got back from Winter Break.

Sign up and play. The controls are not that intuitive at first, but you will get the hang of it in no time. Then, create a "class" and get your students on it. They will love it. It is all web based, so they don't need any software. They can also log in and work on it from any internet enabled computer. 

The full comic is linked below. 
Classroom Comic

Best Batman book in the last 10 years!

Scott Snyder's run on Batman has been epic. The collected volume of his first major story arc is now collected in a single hardcover edition. This would make a great addition to any high school classroom library. Anyone who is even remotely interested in comics will have a hard time not enjoying this. Have a reluctant reader? Hand them this and odds are that they will come back to you wanting more like it. 

Black Mirror Hardcover

Ultimate Comics Spiderman Hardcover V. 1

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Volume 1 hardcover is available for preorder on Amazon. This book features the all new Spider-Man, Miles Morales. See a previous post for an explanation of this fantastic new character. What a great opportunity for the students of color to see themselves represented in one of the most iconic superheroes of all time. 

This book is appropriate for grades fifth and up. 

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Hardcover